Sunday, June 26, 2011

Went for a hike!

Today was a great day, I spent most of the day in the visitor's center answering questions and giving tours, all the fun stuff rangers get to do. But to top it all off I took a hike after work with some of my fellow rangers! It was great. We saw quite a few wild flowers, one of the rangers I was with is giving a guided hike tomorrow and needed some ideas of what to talk about on the trail...either way I took a bunch of pictures of the wildflowers because they are starting to bloom! It is quite beautiful! We also climbed some usual haha. Enjoy the pictures!

This is a cotton wood tree

notice the cotton!

We got rained on a little

This is called the Jones-Creek Trail...dont know why exactly

The creek water is pretty is because of the coal, clinker and mud it flows through

Ok well I don't know the name of any of these flowers exactly soo just enjoy how pretty they are!

I liked the pictures I got of this flower, which is why there are several...sorry

Me, and my two ranger friends on top of a butte.

These are some sort of prairie plum, apparently they are edible.

We had to climb it.


Itch Itch Itch

Wish I could have gotten a better view of the sunset cus it was beautiful.

Cotton from the trees.


1 comment:

Sue Kinkopf said...

Great pictures.... we think the single blue flower is called a harebell (c. rotundifolia) the tall blue/purple flower is more difficult... maybe wild indigo (baptista leucanthe) the others we have no clue... need to see the leaves probably. Everyone thought you looked right at home in your uniform ,Bob said you looked like your Dad.
Creativity pics are good... especially the burger!